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Best 11 Places to visit in Puri Jaganath Dham

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As a Purian, i better know all the beauties and landmarks that you can catch in puri. Puri is a holy city of lord Jaganath. It is better known as Jaganath dham. Lets travel puri. I will give you every info on puri and best time to travel here.

Puri is a city and a Municipality in  the state of odisha in eastern India. It is situated in the bay of bengal, 60km south of the state capital Bhubaneswar. It is also known as Jaganath dham. In 12th century Jaganath temple located in the city. It is one of the Char Dham pilgrimage sites for Hindus.

Puri is basically favorite choice to visit for most of the foreigners and Begal families. As this place have all the things in only one place. You can visit golden beach and enjoy the 24*7 cold winds. You can go for temples if you are a religious person. There are a number of ancient temples which you can find in Puri town. Every temples have their own history.I will publish every ancient temple in my future blogs so keep checking and following me.

Now the point is which are the good attractions in puri?
The followings are some good attractions in puri-
1.Sri Jaganath Temple
2. Puri Beach
3.Jaganath Rath Yatra
4. Chilika Lake
5.Narendra Tank
6. Lokonath Temple
7.Markandeswara Temple
8. Laxmi Temple
9. Ganesh Temple
10. Konark : The Sun Temple
Now lets see these places details.


  Located in the sacred town of Puri, the Jagannath Temple or the pride of India was built in the 11th century by King Indradyumna. This glorious temple is the abode of Lord Jagannath who is a form of Lord Vishnu. It is the most revered pilgrimage site for Hindus and is included in the pious Char Dham Yatra with Badrinath, Dwarka and Rameshwaram. Apart from the main shrine that rises high, many minor temples within the complex will make you feel like you have entered God's home itself.
The splendid Oriya architecture of the Jagannath Puri Temple is an icing on the cake. The four gates are beautifully designed with intricate carvings. The scrumptious Mahaprasad of the temple is something you should not miss. In one of the largest kitchens of India, the lip-smacking food is cooked in earthen pots for thousands every day and offered to devotees. The vibrant religious festivals of the town allures tourists in large numbers. The most awaited of them is the Rath Yatra celebrated with immense gusto. The colourful ambience, interesting rituals, vim and vigour of the pilgrims is worth witnessing. 

Be it the sanctity, the delicious food, the serenity or the exuberance towards God, Jagannath Puri temple seems to tick all the boxes and hence, is a place worth including on your bucket list. 

   Puri Beach is a fine coastline of the Bay of Bengal with the sun gleaming on the pristine waters of the beach. Located at a mere distance of 35 km from the Sun Temple, the place is ideal for holiday makers looking for some solitude. It is often flocked with devotees visiting the beach for a purification dip who come to Puri to pay their homage to Lord Jagannath. The beach is also renowned for the sand sculptures made by internationally known sand artist Sudarshan Patnaik. The sculptures are usually inspired by the art covering the temple walls or other mythological character or episode. The most entrancing time at the beach is during sunrise and sunset.
Adorned with fine white sand and crystal clear water, Puri Beach is quite renowned for its peaceful and calm surroundings. You can get a taste of the local life of Puri as well, as it is a favourite haunt of the natives of this place. Tourists can easily distinguish the local fishermen by their triangular straw hats and dhotis. These fishermen also serve as the lifeguards on the beach and take visitors out in the sea on their boats to look at the mesmerising sunset. The stretch on the Chakratirtha side is much more tranquil and pleasant for a long stroll, and if you're feeling a little adventurous you can also go into the waters for a swim. 
Jagannath Rath Yatra is one of the most awaited and much-celebrated festival in Orissa as well as countrywide. It is dedicated to Lord Jagannath i.e. Lord Krishna, his sister Goddess Subhadra and his elder brother Lord Balabhadra. Commonly known as Gundicha Yatra, Dasavatara, Chariot Festival or Navadina Yatra, it is celebrated every year in the month of June or July. For this, the Puri Rath Yatra sees 4-5 lakh pilgrims every year. Indians, as well as foreigners, flock in large numbers to get a glimpse of the idols in the chariot. It is believed that those who manage to get a glimpse of the idols will have a prosperous year ahead.
The Yatra begins when three richly decorated chariots resembling temple structures are pulled through the streets of Badadanda in Puri. Devotees from all over the world assemble in Puri with an earnest desire to help pull the Lords' chariots along with the priests and their fellow devotees. This is considered to be a pious deed, and people even risk their lives in the huge crowd for the chance to serve the Lord. This is the only day when devotees who are not allowed in the temple premises, such as non-Hindus and foreigners, can get their glimpse of the deities. The huge processions accompanying the chariots play devotional songs with drums, tambourines, trumpets and other such instruments, making this procession a vibrant affair. The Ratha carts themselves are some approximately 45 feet (14 m) high and are pulled by the thousands who congregate at Puri for this annual event from all over the country and abroad.

  The Chilika Lake, which is a paradise on Earth for bird watchers and nature lovers, is the largest internal salt water pond that can be found in Asia. The pear-shaped lake is dotted with a few small islands and has fisheries and salt pans around its shore. This island is nestled in the heart of coastal Odisha and extends from Puri district in the north to Ganjan district in the south, and is separated from the Bay of Bengal by a 60 kilometres long narrow strip of sand-flats and marshy islands.
The Chilika Lake also houses the most accommodating ecosystems in the world, which means that a wide assortment of flora and fauna can be spotted here. The lake offers a flamboyant display of a myriad of avian charms in all diverse hues and colours, ranging from the white-bellied sea eagles to flamingos, and from golden plovers to sand pipers. 

The dynamic variety of birds: both native and migratory ones, is not the only marvel at display here. The enthralling lake also offers scenic views of sunrise and sunset and a host of other options to choose from. Attractions such as the Bird Island, Breakfast Island and Honeymoon Island are also frequented by tourists who visit the Chilika Lake. The lake also boasts of being one of the only two sites in the world where the endangered Irrawaddy dolphins can be spotted. The decent and affordable lodges available here are an added cherry on this already delightful cake. Visit this bewitching lake to spend a day in nature's company and experience tranquillity like never before.
 Narendra Tank is one of the largest tanks in Odisha and is believed to have been built during the 15th century. This tank is considered holy and has a lot of small and big temples surrounding it. There is an island in the middle of the lake with a small temple called Chandana Mandapa.
   According to a legend popular in Orissa, long ago, Puri was a centre of Shiva worship. According to this legend, Lord Ramachandra himself installed the Lingam in the Lokanath Temple.

      This lingam is always submerged with water, which substantiates the legend that Goddess Ganga flows through the top of the shivalinga as a stream. It can only be seen on Pankodhar Ekadasi, before Shivaratri, when the water is removed from the lingam. On that day, thousands of devotees come for a darshan.
  Assumed to have been constructed during the 13th century, Markandeswara temple is known for its magnificent architectural and artistic essence. The entrance of the temple is adorned with a figure of Nataraja with ten arms.
The tiny figurines of Lord Shiva, Goddess Parvati and Lord Ganesha are intricately detailed and are placed in the niches of the main shrine. The corners of the temple have shrines of Lord Shiva in different avatars. Overall, the temple, in all the grandeur of its past glory is one of the most sought-after tourist destinations in Puri.
   Situated near the Jagannath Temple, this is a very important temple owing to the beliefs around the history of this structure. It is believed that the marriage of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati happened on the sixth day of the fortnight of Jyeshta and they were invited to this temple by Goddess Lakshmi.
This temple is a must-visit for all tourists and devotees in Puri.
     nside the famous Jagannath temple complex in Puri, is situated a small Ganesh temple, housing an exclusive image of Ganesh known as Natya Ganesh i.e. Dancing Ganesh.
Inside the famous Jagannath temple complex in Puri, is situated a small Ganesh temple, consisting of an exclusive image of Ganesha known as Natya Ganesh i.e. Dancing Ganesh. The temple has great archaeological significance. In spite of its small size, every year large number of devotees offer their prayers. History reveals that the idol is gifted by the King of Kanchi. The Jagannath temple complex comprises of many other temples dedicated to gods Hanuman, Surya, Saraswati, Vimala. In front of the Ganesh temple, a small water-pot built up of stones known as Rohinikund is also present.

  Konark is a medium town in the Puri district in the state of Odisha, India. It lies on the coast by the Bay of Bengal, 60 kilometers from the capital of the state, Bhubaneswar. It is the site of the 13th-century Sun Temple, also known as the Black Pagoda, built in black granite during the reign of Narasimhadeva-I. The temple is a World Heritage Site. The temple is now mostly in ruins, and a collection of its sculptures is housed in the Sun Temple Museum, which is run by the Archaeological Survey of India.
Konark is also home to an annual dance festival called Konark Dance Festival, held every December, devoted to classical Indian dance forms, including the traditional classical dance of Odisha.
On 16 February 1980, Konark lay directly on the path of a total solar eclipse.

  Chandrabhaga Beach is situated three km east of the Sun temple of Konark, in the Puri district in the state of Odisha, India. It is 30 km from the city of Puri. Formerly Chandrabhaga was considered a place of natural cure for lepers. Its a lovely beach which you can visit when you will visit konark. History says , once the sun temple was situated near the shore of chandrabhaga. So If you visiting puri then u should not miss this lovely beach.

Apart from all this, you will find a lovely forest in puri konark marine drive road when you will visit the konark. So, it will be the best joureny and experince for wandelust and travellers thouhg you can find all things in puri like religion, lovely weather, forest, Nice people and its sure that you can find every facility in puri. because as it is a tourist place, there are a number of hotels and tourist facilities are there. 

So you should visit puri and i am pretty sure one traveller can not control himself to be here. 
I will publish much more things about puri and best travel locations in odisha. So follow me and like me.

Thank You! for visiting
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  1. Thank you so mush explaining about “Best 11 Places to visit in Puri”.
    This is a holi place in odisha.

    one can enjoy a lot while visiting at puri.
    Visit for a best Puri Tour


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