Tota GopiNath Temple : The lord you never see in your life
 Hello guys!
  Welcome to my blog. In my previous post, i showed the best places in puri to visit. This time i came with some new things. In this blog i will get you now about one of the most spiritual and religious place in puri named - Tota Gopinath Temple. No matter how much Gods and temples you have hear but this one may take your hands down. So Lets start.

 Tota Gopinath is situated near Jambeswara Temple, Puri,Odisha. You can easily come here by using google maps. The best way to reach here is from Puri beach road. it is nearly 3-4km far from Subas Bose Square and it is nearly 1km far from swargadwar. So if yiy visit Puri you must be here and have a darshan of Tota Gopinath.

     Now the interesting part is tota gopinath is one of the god whom no one created. I mean he is self created. Yes! Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu found Tota gopinath Statue under sands and another interesting part  is Sri Tota Gopinath is the only Krishna in the world who is not standing. You can find any krishna mahaprabhu standing with his flute but here is the only god in world who is sitting with his flute. So why he is sitting? The answer is about Krishna Leela in Puri.

        Sri Tota Gopinath is exquistely beautiful deity of  Lord Krishna Mahapeabhu. Moreover, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu concluded his manifest pasttimes here by entering the gopinath deity. He ended his manifested pasttime in JAgannath Puri by entering into the knee of tota gopinath deity. This temple is located by a large white water tower in the Gourabat sahi area. It is five minute work from Chataka Parbat Purushottam Gaudiya Math temple. The sign on the door say " Shree Tota Gopinathjee," and the two stone lions by the door. It is 15minute walk from Haridasa Thakura Samadhi.

       Sri Tota Gopinath graces the center altar with Sri Radhika playing vina and Lalta sakhi playing flute on her left and right. Being deeply absorbed in syamarasa - the mellow of satisfying all of krishna's conjugal desires - Radhika and lalita sakhi appear black. Golding her kachappi-vina, srimati radharani curiously stand in a three fold bending from dancing in time with her beloved syama tri-bhanga lalitam. The left altar features the lord Balaram with Revati and Varuni on his left and right. On right altars are deities of gauragadadhara and sri sri Radha madana-mohana installed by mamu thakura.The Gopinath has such a charismatic  bewitching quality that draws one to his darshan over and over again. "Even an extreme atheist will be changed upon seeing the deity of Gopinath."

      At 7am during darshan time, upon request, the pujari can show a small golden streak on Gopinath's right knee where maharabhu entered the lord.

Appearance :

   Gopinath temple is situated in an area named Yamesvara Tota. while residing here in this peacefull garden of trees Gadadhara pandit recited SRimad Bhagavatam every afternoon.

One day here, Sri Chaitanyadeva experinced immense separation from Krishna. Crying out, " Where is my prananatha." Gauranga started digging the earth to search of his lord. Feeling the craved stone mukuta of murthi below the ground, gaurahari declared, "Gadai, i have found a most precious treasure here. Would you like to accept it?" Noticing the head of murthi emerging from sand ,Gadadhara helped gauranga to uncover a most beautiful deity , Gopinath  and because he appeared in garden ( Tota in odia ) the devotes called him Tota Gopinath.Sri Chaitanya mahaprabhu engaged Gadadhara pandit in Gopinath's service by awarding him kseshtra sanyasa.

Why Tota Gopinath is sitting down?
       The deity of tota gopinath was previously standing form and was being worshipped by gadadhara pandit. But after the departure of mahaprabhu gadai felt devastated. His body got bent over for his intense agony of separation from beloved Gaura. although he is 47 year old gadadharabecoem lean and thin like a old man. Incapable of lifting his hand gadai could neither dress tota gopinath nor offer him chandan and flower garlands. Gadadhara thought it is best to engage another pujari in worship of god. In a dream that night gadai saw totta gopinath who said him " why do you want to engage another pujari in my seva? i only want you to seve me."

   Gadadhara replied " O prananatha! due to my condition i can no longer stand up and server yoyu properly." Gopinath replied " No! i only want you to serve me. if you are finding difficulty then i will become shorter." Next morning gadadhara entered the deity room to serve gopinath and saw a amazing sight. The most mercifull lord had sat down in order to recive service from his hands.

     So this type of krishna leeela you can not get in any places so its really worth to have a darshan of Sri tota gopinath. If you will visit puri then i will advise you to visit here. Its one of the best place to see krishna leela with mahaprabhu sri Chaitanya leela.

Comment please if need more inquiry and help.

Jay Jgananth!


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